Life Changes 1

Life Changes 1 - loss, change and bereavement for children aged 3-11 years old available

I am, I Know, I Can

Skills for the Primary School Child Part 1: I am, I know, I can for 5 to 11 years old

Health and Well-being
from £10.00

Health and Wellbeing resource for 7-11 year olds.

  • If you require the downloadable .pdf version, the file will be sent to you on receipt of payment.

    If you require this in a different format, please drop a line to

The World of Drugs

Skills for the Primary School Child Part 3: The World of Drugs for 5-11

The World of Alcohol

Skills for the Primary School Child Part 5: The World of Alcohol for 7-11

The World of Tobacco

Skills for the Primary School Child Part 6: The World of Tobacco for 5-11

Keys to Alcohol

Keys to Alcohol for children aged 7 to 11 years old

Keys to Smoking

Keys to Smoking for children aged 7 to 11 years old

Icebreakers, Warm-Ups, Energisers

Icebreakers, Warm Ups, Energisers, Group Dividers & Closing Activities to be used with any age group